OKLAHOMA CITY — The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) affiliates of Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas, Louisiana, Arizona, Texas and San Diego and Imperial Counties are issuing a travel advisory for their residents about the threat of civil and constitutional rights violations when traveling in the state of Texas. The laws don’t take effect until February and March of 2024, but issuance of the advisory enables people to consider travel plans and prepare accordingly.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has signed into law several new bills, including SB4 88S4, instituting immigration enforcement mechanisms and mandatory minimum sentences that threaten the safety and rights of people traveling in Texas, regardless of their immigration status.
These laws mark a further escalation of extremist anti-immigrant actions taken by the state of Texas under its Operation Lone Star program including the imprisonment of migrants under a racially discriminatory “trespass arrest” initiative, installing dangerous concertina wire and a deadly buoy barrier along the southern border.
“We're deeply troubled by Texas’ assault on our fundamental civil rights and stand in solidarity with our colleagues in opposition to this bill. These new laws are a betrayal of the American ideals of hope and freedom, which represent the best of our country. Oklahomans traveling in Texas will be at risk of getting swept up and ordered deported or charged under extreme sentencing minimums,” said Tamya Cox-Touré, ACLU of Oklahoma Executive Director. “Many Oklahomans, both longtime residents and newly arrived, rely on neighboring Texas cities for specialized medical care, education, air travel, and more. We fear this new law will deter our community from accessing these necessary services.”
These new laws were passed by the legislature despite fierce opposition from the Texas’ community at large, immigrant rights’ organizations and even many lawmakers. Extremist politicians were able to pass these bills by expanding an undemocratic majority built on gerrymandering and onerous and unnecessary voting restrictions that disenfranchise many of the same communities of color now most affected by these new laws. Countless residents of states bordering Texas have family and loved ones on both sides of the state border and are put at risk by these laws that fly in the face of our shared values.
This joint travel advisory highlights the solidarity of communities surrounding Texas, as well as fellow border states, against punitive and counter-productive policies that harm our immigrant communities and do nothing to welcome people seeking safety and refuge at our southern border.