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Devraat received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Oklahoma College of Law, where he was a Regent’s Scholar, Comfort Scholar, and President of OUtLaw, the law school’s LGBTQ+ interest group. Before law school, Devraat graduated King’s College London with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Philosophy and served as an editor for Phi Magazine, the Department of Philosophy’s art magazine. 

Devraat joined the ACLU of Oklahoma as a Legal Fellow in 2023, where he works on a broad variety of cases advancing the cause of freedom of expression, racial justice, and trans justice, among others. Prior to joining the ACLU of Oklahoma, Devraat worked for a variety of criminal legal reform organizations, including the Sixth Amendment Center, the Southern Center for Human Rights, where he was a John Paul Stevens Public Interest Fellow, and the ACLU’s Criminal Legal Reform Project. During law school, Devraat earned American Jurisprudence awards (highest grade in class) in 14 classes, including Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, First Amendment, International Human Rights Law, Criminal Procedure: Adjudication, Federal Courts, and Federal Indian Law. He also earned the Oklahoma Bar Association’s Award for Outstanding 3L, awarded to one student from each of Oklahoma’s three law schools. Serving as Articles Editor for the Oklahoma Law Review, Devraat’s student comment, Britney’s Prerogative: A Critical, Constitutional View of Conservatorships, was published and received the Outstanding Comment Award and Michael Salem Civil Liberties Award.

Devraat briefly worked as a freelance art journalist for the Oklahoma City Free Press in 2021. In his free time, he enjoys visiting local art exhibitions, learning new languages, and travelling.