More than 30 Oklahomans filed a lawsuit urging the Oklahoma Supreme Court to block state Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters’ mandate that all public schools incorporate the Bible into their curricula.
Judge Goodwin’s decision blocks any enforcement of H.B. 1775 in higher education classrooms and stops K-12 officials from enforcing H.B.1775’s most vague language. These summaries focus on the decision's impact in each group.
Our strategic plan framework will allow us to advance equity and dismantle systemic injustice while also remaining nimble enough to respond to changing community needs.
Stable housing is the crux of a healthy life. But in Oklahoma, our laws foster unreliable and dangerous housing for the most vulnerable, particularly low-income tenants.
The ACLU of Oklahoma’s 2023 annual report outlines how the organization worked around the clock this year to defend democracy, protect bodily autonomy, advance racial justice, and much more.
In fiscal year 2022, Oklahomans faced some of the harshest legislation in the entire nation. Our state recklessly planned an execution spree of 25 inmates on death row over the next two years.