The ACLU of Oklahoma acknowledges with sadness the passing of legendary journalist, columnist and long time ACLU supporter Molly Ivins. Molly never wavered in her commitment to the mission of the ACLU, and worked tirelessly as a spokesperson to benefit our organization. She appeared at countless affiliate events, and at one point resolved to do something for the ACLU at least once a month. She was the keynote speaker for the Oklahoma affiliate's 1994 Bill of Rights Celebration and sent a video message to the 2003 event.
Molly's legacy of support will continue through her bequest to the ACLU, a gesture she energetically encouraged others to make as well. As she put it, "I can't think of anything I'd rather do with my worldly goods than fund folks who will be a pain in the ass to whatever powers come to be."
To donate to The Molly Ivins Fund for Justice and Liberty, please visit To learn about planning a bequest for the future of the ACLU, please visit or call toll-free, 877-867-1025.
We're challenging the OK Bible-education mandate