OKLAHOMA CITY – In response to Governor Stitt signing into law SB3, which bans best practice medical care for trans youth at OU Health Facilities as a stipulation to receive American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds effective immediately, the ACLU of Oklahoma issued the following statement:
The following is attributable to Tamya Cox-Toure, ACLU of Oklahoma Executive Director:
“Today, Oklahoma politicians took the next step in joining their colleagues in Alabama, Arkansas, and Texas, by attacking lifesaving, best-practice medical care for Oklahoma’s transgender youth. Medical decisions belong to patients, their parents, and their doctors. Yet politicians, attempting to appeal to their base during an election year, have continued their attacks on bodily autonomy by coming between those directly impacted and the care they need and deserve.”
“Medical experts agree: Gender-affirming care is medically necessary care. And today’s actions, along with the displays on the House and Senate floors, show a fundamental ignorance about medical treatment for transgender youth. Trans youth thrive when their families and communities care and support their gender identities, and access to best practice medical care is a necessary part of that support. The ACLU of Oklahoma is determined to keep fighting, similar to our own colleagues across the country, until this baseless law, and all future attacks, are struck down.”